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George Bernard ShawA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.
Act Summaries & Analyses
A Roman guard stands on the pier in front of the palace. He is staring intently at the lighthouse on Pharos Island, too preoccupied to notice that Apollodorus, a Sicilian patrician, enters accompanied by Ftatateeta and four men carrying several rolled-up rugs. Amused at the sentinel’s inattention, Apollodorus approaches and startles him, noting that he has already breezed past three distracted guards asking, “Is this Roman discipline?” (55).
The sentinel replies that their job isn’t to guard the land but to keep watch over the water for Egyptian forces that arrive to impede Caesar’s attack on the island of Pharos. Apollodorus is offended when the sentinel calls him a merchant, insisting that he is an aristocrat who is invested in beauty and art. Ftatateeta orders Apollodorus to ignore the sentinel, as they are on an assignment for the queen, but the sentinel refuses to allow them to continue without the password.
As Apollodorus and the sentinel argue, Ftatateeta moves stealthily and grabs the sentinel, shouting at Apollodorus to kill him. He doesn’t, and several other soldiers rush in to free their comrade, sending Ftatateeta flying. A centurion confronts Ftatateeta and Apollodorus, and immediately allows them to pass when he learns that they are there on the orders of Cleopatra. The centurion tells the guards to allow all such merchants to enter—but to not allow them to leave. He threatens Ftatateeta that if she attacks his men again, she will be tossed into the water. Ftatateeta spits back, “We shall see whom Isis loves best: her servant Ftatateeta or a dog of a Roman” (57). Cleopatra calls down from the palace window. Ftatateeta, horrified, tells her to hide herself since there are men present, but Cleopatra insists on coming down. Ftatateeta pushes Apollodorus’s men to hurry and exit, and Cleopatra enters giddily. Uninterested in carpets, the queen exclaims that she needs a boat right away.
Ftatateeta argues that Cleopatra must only sail on the royal barge, but Apollodorus interjects, “Royalty, Ftatateeta, lies not in the barge but in the Queen” (58). In other words, any boat that Cleopatra sails on will become the royal barge. Cleopatra is pleased and asks Apollodorus to row her to the lighthouse. The sentinel blocks their passage. Angry and indignant, Cleopatra threatens him with death at the hands of first Caesar and then Ftatateeta, but the sentinel isn’t swayed. Happy to defend the queen’s honor, Apollodorus engages the sentinel in a sword fight. The sentinel is distracted by his fear that Ftatateeta will attack him from behind. The centurion enters to break up the fight, explaining respectfully to Cleopatra that she is a prisoner, and they cannot allow her to pass without defying Caesar’s orders. She must return to the palace until Caesar says otherwise. Apollodorus offers to go and see Caesar on her behalf to deliver a message and a gift, promising to return with Caesar’s order to release her.
The centurion orders two sentinels to stand guard and allow Apollodorus to pass, but to kill him if he starts a fight. Alone with Apollodorus, Cleopatra contemplates the carpets, wondering how heavy they are and how roughly they’re handled. Apollodorus assures Cleopatra that he can see to it that the carpet she sends to Caesar is handled extremely gently. Satisfied, Cleopatra directs Apollodorus to wait outside while she goes inside followed by his porters and Ftatateeta to select a carpet. The porters return, carrying a carpet and complaining about its weight. Ftatateeta frets over their handling of the carpet, knowing that Cleopatra is rolled inside. Apollodorus tells the porters to carry it carefully. After the boat sails, the sentinels realize that Cleopatra defied them, but it is too late to bring the boat back.
At the foot of the lighthouse, Rufio sits on a pile of wood, drinking wine and eating dates out of his helmet, relaxing after the day’s fighting has ended. Caesar, preoccupied and troubled, stands on the steps of the surrounding parapet. Britannus enters from the lighthouse, having gone to the top. Rufio is astonished to learn from Britannus of the ingenuity by which the massive lighthouse is operated by only two people: an old man and a boy. Britannus announces that he saw messengers arriving at the island and had come down to find out what they wanted.
Britannus exits, and Caesar worries aloud, wondering how the Romans are holding up at the barricade. Rufio becomes annoyed, asking if Caesar expects him to interrupt his eating and drinking to find out, but Caesar assures him that he doesn’t. Caesar expresses his uncertainties about his decision to come to Egypt at all, lamenting that he had been “a fool—rash, Rufio—boyish” (67). Rufio disagrees and offers him some dates, suggesting that Caesar will feel better once he has eaten. Caesar accepts, becoming a bit more cheerful.
Britannus races in excitedly, exclaiming that the bag he carries, recovered contains all the letters that had been exchanged between Pompey’s people and the army occupying Egypt. Caesar is unimpressed, and Britannus stresses that the letters will tell Caesar who his enemies are and incriminate those who have schemed against him. Britannus is appalled when Caesar tells him to burn them. Caesar asserts that he isn’t interested in finding and punishing men for working with Pompey. Caesar tosses the bag into the ocean. Rufio exits into the lighthouse, deciding that he wants to see the mechanisms at the top. Britannus chastises Caesar for not taking life as seriously as people do in Briton, his homeland. Caesar suggests that perhaps one day he will. Apollodorus enters and announces that he has sailed from Alexandria with gifts for Caesar from Cleopatra. Caesar tells Apollodorus to return to Cleopatra and tell her to stop playing games as he plans to go back to the palace in Alexandria that evening. But Apollodorus explains that he can’t return, because someone had tossed a bag into the sea, which landed on their boat and sank it.
Apollodorus tells Caesar that the gift is a Persian carpet with pigeon eggs and other breakable things rolled into the center, warning Caesar to handle it carefully. Caesar lifts the rug up with a crane as Apollodorus pleads with him to be gentle. They open the rug to find Cleopatra, who complains about the rough ride. Rufio and Britannus are unhappy to see her, and Cleopatra is upset that Caesar must leave her to go into battle. She suggests that he ought to let the soldiers at the barricade die instead, since “they are only soldiers” (73), but Caesar explains that none of their lives are less important than hers. Cleopatra cries and pouts, begging Caesar not to leave her. Britannus announces that the Egyptians have arrived at the barricade. Caesar laments that his men there will die and it’s his fault.
Apollodorus throws away the ladder, which means that the Egyptians can’t reach them, but they are also trapped on the parapet. Apollodorus assures them that he will go to the harbor and send them a ship. He jumps over the wall into the water. Invigorated, Caesar exclaims that he can make the swim too, with Cleopatra on his back. Rufio objects pointing out that Apollodorus is 25, and Caesar is twice his age. Indignant at being called old, Caesar orders Rufio to throw Cleopatra in after him and then jump in himself. Since Britannus can’t swim, Caesar tells him to wait at the lighthouse. Caesar leaps into the water. Cleopatra shrieks and protests as Rufio throws her in. Rufio follows. Britannus calls out to them, and Rufio assures him that they are safe. There is a cheer, and Britannus, ecstatic, exclaims that the boat has made it to them.
Six months later, Cleopatra is in her chamber listening to an enslaved girl play harp. She is surrounded by her ladies, including her two favorites, Iras and Charmian. Ftatateeta chaperones. The girl’s music master, an old musician, watches her play. Cleopatra asks him if he can teach her how to play the harp since Caesar loves music. He says it will take four years because she must learn the philosophy of Pythagoras. Cleopatra asks if the slave girl had learned Pythagoras, and the musician replies that she had merely been trained like a dog. Cleopatra insists that she can be trained, too. She explains that he can teach her for two weeks, and then after that, he will be beaten each time she misses a note. If she misses too many notes, he will be fed to the crocodiles. The musician is aghast, insisting, “But true art will not be thus forced” (78). Cleopatra gives the girl a piece of gold and sends them away.
Cleopatra asks Iras and Charmian for gossip, and they tell her that Pothinus, Ptolemy’s guardian who is now a prisoner of war, has been attempting to bribe Ftatateeta for a chance to speak to Cleopatra. Cleopatra is disdainful, noting that she only holds audiences with those she wants to see. The girls giggle, and Cleopatra chides them, asking them if they understand why she allows them to speak freely. Charmian responds that it’s because she mimics Caesar, who does the same thing. Cleopatra replies that Caesar had told her to allow her ladies to speak and that she will eventually learn who they are. The girls laugh again, but Iras says that they’re laughing at Caesar, not Cleopatra.
When Ftatateeta returns, Cleopatra asks if Pothinus has been attempting to bribe her for an audience with the queen. Ftatateeta sputters, but Cleopatra tells her to accept it and bring him to her. Iras comments that she wishes that Caesar would return to Rome. Charmain explains, “He makes you terribly prosy and serious and learned and philosophical. It is worse than being religious, at our ages” (80). Cleopatra seethes.
Ftatateeta enters with Pothinus, and Cleopatra asks, “What is the latest news from your rebel friends?” (80) Pothinus insists that as a prisoner, no one shares news with him, and that she doesn’t understand how these things work. Iras and Charmian laugh, and Charmian asserts that Cleopatra stopped being a child after she was tossed from the lighthouse into the ocean. Cleopatra orders everyone except Pothinus to leave. When Ftatateeta hesitates, Cleopatra threatens her. Ftatateeta grumbles and exits, and Pothinus notes that Cleopatra has, in fact, changed. Cleopatra replies that he would also be changed if he had been speaking to Caesar for six months. Pothinus comments that everyone says that Cleopatra is infatuated with Caesar. Cleopatra tells him that Caesar has made her wise, adding, “[I]t is not that I am so clever, but that the others are so stupid” (82). Pothinus agrees. Cleopatra asks Pothinus why he wanted to see her, but he is suddenly abashed. She points out that he had planned to ask her something, but he had expected her to still be a child and now he can’t. Pothinus abashedly admits that she is correct. Pothinus wonders if Cleopatra is really the queen, or if she is a slave and prisoner like everyone else. She tells him that they’re all his slaves, but when Caesar rules, she will lead as queen.
Pothinus asks if Caesar loves Cleopatra, and Cleopatra scoffs, stating that Caesar doesn’t have any special feelings for her and would treat any other girl the same way. Moreover, Cleopatra is in love with another Roman, and Caesar has agreed to send him to her. Cleopatra exclaims that Pothinus could never understand Caesar, but she does. Pothinus asks what she called him there to tell him, and Cleopatra states that Pothinus may think that because he is Ptolemy’s guardian, he will rule Egypt with Ptolemy on the throne, but in the end, Caesar will eat them all alive and leave Egypt under Cleopatra’s reign. Pothinus argues that their armies outnumber the Romans. Cleopatra leaves.
Ftatateeta, who has been listening, enters. She points out that Cleopatra sees Egyptians as children. She suggests that Pothinus go to see Lucius Septimus, the Roman who had killed Pompey, and ask him to speak to her. Pothinus curses Cleopatra and promises to bring an even greater Roman, insisting that any ruler is better for Egypt than “a woman with a Roman heart” (84), swearing that Cleopatra will never rule Egypt if Pothinus is alive.
Rufio is led to the roof of the palace where the table is set for a feast. There is a garden, and a statue of Ra. Caesar joins him, musing at Rufio’s well-groomed appearance and telling Rufio that they are dressed up for his birthday. Rufio quips that Caesar always seems to have a birthday when there’s an attractive woman involved, and that they had celebrated Caesar’s birthday seven times over the course of 10 months.
Caesar admits that Rufio is correct, and tells him that along with Cleopatra, Apollodorus will also be joining them. Rufio points out that he had arrived early to dinner to have a word alone with Caesar. Caesar claps his hands and a set of curtains parts to reveal a garden and a lavish table, and he explains, “Now everybody can see us, nobody will think of listening to us” (87). Rufio tells Caesar that Pothinus wants to meet with him and suggests that Caesar agree because the women around the palace seem to be scheming. Caesar is annoyed that Pothinus is still there and hasn’t escaped, since his policy is for Rufio to always let prisoners escape unless told otherwise. Rufio says that Pothinus insists on staying and would rather spy than have his freedom.
Caesar agrees to speak to Pothinus, and Rufio calls him in. Pothinus tells Caesar that he may think that Cleopatra is loyal, but she is betraying him. Before he can elaborate, Cleopatra enters, stunningly dressed. Caesar stands and gives Cleopatra his seat. Cleopatra asks why Pothinus is there, and Caesar explains that he is talking about Cleopatra, urging him to continue. Pothinus stammers, insisting that he must say what he came to say to Caesar only. Cleopatra threatens Pothinus, but Caesar dismisses him, stating that they will not see each other again.
Pothinus demands to be heard, telling Caesar that Cleopatra wants him to leave Egypt because she expects Caesar to take the crown from Ptolemy and give it to her, and she is impatient to be the ruler. Cleopatra furiously denies this, but Caesar, unperturbed, asserts that it’s only natural that Cleopatra would feel that way. Caesar tells Cleopatra that she may believe that it isn’t true, but it is, and Caesar isn’t bothered by something so expected. Caesar rises and asks Rufio to come with him to accompany Pothinus out. After they exit, Cleopatra whispers to Ftatateeta that Pothinus must be killed before he is allowed to leave the palace. Ftatateeta agrees.
Caesar returns with Apollodorus and Rufio. Ftatateeta exits, and Cleopatra greets Caesar happily, worried that he might be upset. Cleopatra tells them about the elaborate delicacies and extravagant wine she has planned for dinner, chiding Caesar for his simplistic tastes until he agrees to partake. Cleopatra prods, asking if he thinks that she wants him to return to Rome. Caesar replies, “I no longer believe anything. My brains are asleep. Besides, who know whether I shall return to Rome?” (93)
Rufio reacts with alarm, but Caesar suggests that he and Cleopatra seek out the mysteries of the Nile and forget about Rome. Ecstatic, Cleopatra agrees. They debate what to name the new kingdom, and Cleopatra exclaims that since the Nile is a god and her ancestor, she can call on him to name himself. The others look befuddled as Cleopatra tells her chief servant to fetch him. A priest enters with a small sphinx and burns incense in front of it. The men try to hide their awe as the sunlight changes colors. Cleopatra explains that they should usually make a sacrifice, but if Caesar asks, he might be satisfied with some wine. Apollodorus makes a joke about asking the statue of Ra, but Cleopatra silences him lest Ra hear and become angry.
Caesar is skeptical, but they all repeat after Cleopatra when she says, “Send us thy voice, Father Nile” (96). Suddenly, they hear a man’s terror-filled scream. The three men are alarmed, but Cleopatra calmly pours out her wine to the Nile. Rufio is certain that he sees a man being stabbed. Caesar sends Apollodorus to find out what is happening. There are sounds of a crowd below. Ftatateeta enters, looking satisfied and a little drunk. Cleopatra embraces her enthusiastically, kissing her and giving her the jewelry she is wearing. Ftatateeta falls to her knees in front of the altar to Ra and prays.
Caesar implores Cleopatra to tell him what happened, but Cleopatra tells him sweetly that she is innocent, reminding him that they have been together the entire time. Caesar admits that this is true. Rufio announces that he will go and find out what is going on, entreating Ftatateeta to join him. But she refuses to leave Cleopatra’s side. Caesar tells Rufio to leave her alone and he gives in, deciding to stay where he is himself and let Caesar find out what is happening. Caesar asserts, “Rufio: there is a time for obedience,” and Rufio replies, “And there is a time for obstinacy” (98).
Caesar tells Cleopatra to send Ftatateeta away, and Cleopatra, simpering and wanting to please him, does so. Ftatateeta readily agrees and Rufio follows. Caesar comments that Cleopatra is hiding something. Cleopatra begins to cry, but stops herself when she sees Caesar’s cold response, noting that she knows that he doesn’t abide crying. Cleopatra prattles about how she hopes that everything is all right and no one is hurt, but Caesar sees through her, asking why she is so afraid. The sound of a trumpet answers his question. Cleopatra states, “I have not betrayed you, Caesar: I swear it” (98). Caesar responds, “I know that. I have not trusted you” (99).
Apollodorus and Britannus enter, pulling Lucius Septimus with them. Caesar is disturbed to see the man who murdered Pompey. Rufio tells Caesar that the citizens are in an uproar, and they had grabbed Lucius Septimus while he was trying to control the crowd. Caesar is stunned when Lucius Septimus informs him that Pothinus was thrown off the building and died. Caesar turns to Rufio who quickly states that whoever had killed Pothinus had done Caesar a favor, but it hadn’t been him.
In a fury, Cleopatra announces, “He was slain by order of the Queen of Egypt. I am not Julius Caesar the dreamer, who allows every slave to insult him” (99). She exclaims that she had ordered his death because he tried to betray her. Apollodorus and Britannus both agree that she did the right thing. Caesar, however, says that vengeance begets vengeance. Pothinus’s followers will now want to kill Cleopatra. And then it will fall to Caesar to avenge her death, and they will avenge that murder by killing Caesar, “and so, to the end of history, murder shall breed murder, always in the name of right and honor and peace, until the gods are tired of blood and create a race that can understand” (100).
Cleopatra begs Caesar not to leave her, and Caesar rebukes her for destroying the peace that he had built with his leniency. Rufio pleads with Caesar not to let them all die. Caesar asserts that they had enraged the people, and that they’ll be coming for all of them, including Caesar. Lucius Septimus offers to fight with Caesar, informing him that the reinforcements of Roman armies had finally made it into the city.
With excitement, Caesar names Lucius his officer and begins to sketch battle plans. The crowd in the street will be easily overwhelmed with the influx of relief forces. Caesar orders the slaves to remove everything from the feast. Caesar starts to exit and address the troops, but Cleopatra stops him. Caesar is kind but unemotional, stating, “I am busy now, my child, busy. When I return your affairs shall be settled” (104). Caesar leaves, and Cleopatra is silent with anger and embarrassment. Rufio states, “That game is played and lost, Cleopatra. The woman always gets the worst of it” (104).
Rufio growls that Cleopatra’s man ought to have gone for Pothinus’s throat. Cryptically, Cleopatra asks why Rufio is sure that the killer was a man. Perplexed, Rufio starts to exit and sees Ftatateeta, kneeling in prayer before Ra. Cleopatra snarls, “Whoever it was, let my enemies beware of her. Look to it, Rufio, you who dare to make the Queen of Egypt a fool before Caesar” (105). With seriousness, Rufio relents and leaves. In the distance, the Roman soldiers shout, “Hail, Caesar!” (105) Desolate and left by herself, Cleopatra calls to Ftatateeta to come to her. When she receives no response, she panics and pulls away the curtain and finds Ftatateeta, dead with her throat slit, lying on the altar of Ra.
Amid a festival and military celebration, a ship awaits at the harbor to take Caesar back to Rome. Cleopatra’s ladies are finely dressed and gathered around the gate. On one side, there is a line of Roman soldiers. On the other, there is a line of Egyptian soldiers, including Belzanor and the Persian soldier from the first scene of the play. Civilians crowd around to watch the revelry.
Apollodorus makes his way through the masses, and the soldiers allow him through. Belzanor and the Persian ask Apollodorus for news and whether Caesar has killed the priests. Instead, the priests have shown Caesar deference, and Caesar has been merciful. Apollodorus tells the two men that young King Ptolemy drowned in the Nile when Caesar’s forces attacked his ship. Belzanor and the Persian marvel at this.
Caesar enters with Rufio and Britannus. Rufio mentions that Caesar still needs to name a Roman governor for the province. Caesar suggests the leader of the army that had saved them, but Rufio replies that he might need him somewhere else. Rufio is surprised when Caesar names him governor, since he has no noble lineage, but Caesar responds, “Has not Caesar called you his son?” (108) To the crowd, Caesar announces that Rufio will be governor and Rufio kisses his hand.
Next, Caesar calls for Britannus, praising his bravery and loyalty, which are more befitting of a free man than a slave. Britannus replies, “Only as Caesar’s slave have I found real freedom” (109). Touched, Caesar states that he had considered setting him free, but now he can’t bear to let him go. Britannus gratefully kisses Caesar’s hand.
Finally, Caesar leaves Apollodorus in charge of Egyptian art. Caesar notes that he is forgetting something but says goodbye anyways. As Caesar makes his way to the ship, Cleopatra enters. She is wearing black with no jewelry or decoration. Caesar doesn’t notice her until she speaks. Caesar goes to her happily, expressing gladness that he hadn’t left without seeing her. He asks if she is wearing black to mourn for him, but she says no.
Caesar guesses that it must be for her brother, but Cleopatra suggests that he ask his newly appointed governor. Caesar is confused, and Rufio asks what Caesar would do if he came upon a lion who wanted to eat him. Caesar states that he would kill it. Rufio replies that Cleopatra had her own tigress to kill for her, so Rufio had put her down after she killed Pothinus.
Cleopatra explicitly says that Rufio killed Ftatateeta, and Caesar says this was necessary, which upsets Cleopatra. Caesar charmingly asks her not to be angry. She laughs but refuses to forgive him. Caesar promises to send her a gift from Rome—Mark Antony—and Cleopatra embraces him. Caesar kisses her forehead, and she begins to cry as Caesar leaves. Roman soldiers shout, “Hail, Caesar!” (113) as he sails away.
When Cleopatra sneaks into the lighthouse in a rolled-up carpet, she is a child seeking attention. The experience matures her, however, not because of the danger she faces, but because Cleopatra discovers that she is not the center of Caesar’s universe. As a spoiled, royal child, Cleopatra has been handed power and taught that her lineage made her special. She is surprised to learn that Caesar works for his power because her own father did not. At the lighthouse, Cleopatra is not only useless for battle and unable to swim to facilitate her own escape. She is also a liability. She must be carried and protected. When Rufio throws her into the sea, she is defenseless.
In Act III, Cleopatra learns from Caesar how to handle her own authority. She still craves his attention and approval, but she also defies his style of leadership. When Cleopatra uses the tiny sphinx and incense to speak to the gods, Caesar is astonished to see the mysterious power that she wields isn’t a power that he gave her or can even understand.
Shaw draws a line from national identity to individual character, although in a post-script after the text, he admits that this is not particularly scientific. The Egyptians in the play are hot-blooded and tempestuous, worshipping gods who are fed by blood and sacrifice. This is particularly true of the women. All the Egyptian women in the play, from Cleopatra and Ftatateeta to Cleopatra’s ladies, Iras and Charmian, are intense and unafraid of unpleasantness.
To the Romans, in contrast, Shaw attributes positive qualities of logical thinking, loyalty, and mercifulness. Caesar spares Pothinus because he has deduced that vengeance isn’t worth the price in breaking the peace. Cleopatra orders his death because he insults her. And although Ftatateeta kills on Cleopatra’s orders, even Caesar sees her death as necessary because he views her as dangerous. Britannus, the British slave, stands as a model for what Shaw thinks a British person ought to be. He is humble and brave, glad to follow the Romans and to serve someone like Caesar.
Although Caesar and those around him often joke about his weakness for women, Shaw portrays Caesar’s campaign in Egypt as ideologically and logically pure. It is not tainted by any lascivious displays toward the teenage queen, despite the historical reality that Caesar did in fact have an affair with Cleopatra (although she was a bit older).
In notes, Shaw explains that he endeavored to portray Caesar as good and real rather than mythical and great. He sees what is often described as Caesar’s ambition for conquest as a curiosity for exploration. Throughout the play, Caesar avoids unnecessary violence and confrontation, preferring to instead to extend trust and second chances, giving enemies the chance to change sides. He encourages prisoners to escape, he throws the incriminating letters away, and he sends Pothinus on his way. Although the play depicts his tendency toward clemency as a virtue, there is dramatic irony in the fact that in the events after the end of the play, Caesar returns to Rome, where he will be betrayed and assassinated by those he trusted most.
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