49 pages 1 hour read

Megan Miranda

Daughter of Mine

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Part 2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Mother”

Part 2, Chapter 10 Summary

When the suitcases in the trunk of the vehicle are opened, they contain nothing. This leads to a whole new set of questions. Hazel wonders why her mother would have left without packing any clothes. Officer Serena and her detective father, Al, both question Hazel about her mother’s motives on the day she left. Hazel can’t remember much, since she was only 14, only that the day began like any other.

She considers the possibility that her mother submerged the car herself because she was trying to escape somebody from her past. Hazel tells the officers that she and her mother once lived with a man named Joe Lyons, whom Hazel’s mother feared. In Mirror Lake, she went by the name of Libby Sharp, but Joe knew her as Beth. Serena says that she will investigate the man. Serena then shows Hazel a picture of the first vehicle pulled out of the lake, but Hazel has never seen it before. Still shaken by the memories of her mother’s abandonment, Hazel decides to drive back to Charlotte. She securely locks Perry’s house before she goes.

Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary

Hazel arrives back at her apartment in Charlotte around midnight. She realizes that Skyler has left her backpack in the back seat, so she brings it upstairs as well. Hazel keeps thinking back to the investigation that Perry conducted after Libby’s disappearance. She blames herself for not asking him more questions at the time and recalls receiving a blank postcard from somewhere in Mexico during her college years. Hazel always assumed that it was secretly meant to tell her that Libby had made a new life for herself and was well. She tries to dismiss the past from her mind and falls asleep.

Part 2, Chapter 12 Summary

The next morning, Hazel sees her business partners Keira and Luke, arrive to their office on the first floor, below Hazel’s apartment. Keira and Luke are eager to hear the details of Hazel’s trip, but she doesn’t want to talk about her family. She promises to send them pictures of the house she inherited so they can assess its rehab possibilities. Hazel then tries calling Caden to let him know she has Skyler’s backpack. Jamie still hasn’t returned, so a babysitter answers the phone. She then tries talking to Gage, but he is distracted by the case of a missing teen.

Part 2, Chapter 13 Summary

By Tuesday afternoon, Hazel is back on her way to Mirror Lake. She doesn’t tell anyone she’s coming. She plans to call on Jamie’s mother, Sonny Varino. Sonny works as a maid at the Mirror Lake Motel and lives in a rundown cottage. She comes out to greet Hazel, and the two sit on the porch to chat. Sonny says she hasn’t seen her daughter for some time, though she doesn’t seem surprised that Jamie left Caden. She insinuates that this is a problem that all the Holt men have. “Wives, leaving the Holt men? […] Your mother, Audrey. God, I don’t even remember the name of Roy’s wife, that marriage was so quick” (138). She also says that Perry’s first wife was on the brink of walking out on him when she had her fatal bicycle accident.

After leaving Sonny’s, Hazel picks up some groceries and goes back to Perry’s house. When she enters, she feels the strange sensation that someone else has been inside during her absence, so she searches every room. She then has a quiet evening and falls asleep. At midnight, she’s awakened by the lights from the motion detectors outside. She thinks someone must be out there hiding in the shadows.

Part 2, Chapter 14 Summary

Hazel strides outdoors to see who might be watching her. She runs into Nico, who also saw the light from next door. He promised to keep an eye on the place, not realizing that Hazel had returned. She invites him inside. Hazel’s bedroom brings back memories of their high school romance. They both reveal they are still single, and they have sex. Hazel believes that their sexual encounters only ever happen during times of emotional stress and that the relationship won’t last. She concludes, “We didn’t work long-term because, I believed, we were both more interested in the secret. We loved the idea of the unknown, more than the known” (155). They fall asleep together, only to be awakened by the sound of smoke detectors going off. After investigating, Hazel assumes that the batteries are dead. Nico leaves because he must be at school early.

Part 2, Chapter 15 Summary

By six in the morning, Hazel has checked all the smoke alarms and finds that only one contains a battery. The rest have been removed. As she gets ready to leave for the store, Roy arrives at the house. He has been checking the mailbox for unpaid bills. Hazel belatedly realizes that she will need to take care of the utilities going forward. At the Country Store, Hazel gets more batteries. She also picks up some Private Property signs to keep gawkers away from the spot where the car was pulled from the lake. The boy behind the counter is unknown to her. When Nico walks in to purchase his morning coffee, he tells Hazel that the boy’s name is Levi and that he is one of Nico’s students.

Back at the house, Hazel installs the new batteries and goes outside to take pictures of the house for Keira. Then, she goes to work in her father’s office. One wall is decorated with five mismatched mirrors. Hazel finds them off-putting but turns her attention to Perry’s computer, gaining access to his email account and bank records. Both his savings and checking accounts contain very small balances. She notices that Perry had been withdrawing sums every month as his health declined. Hazel starts to wonder if this is the reason for her brothers’ hostility. “Did Gage and Caden already know? Had they checked the accounts immediately, and realized the truth? At the time of his death, our father had nothing left. Nothing but an old truck in the garage, and this house” (168).

Part 2, Chapter 16 Summary

As she works at the computer in the late morning, Hazel sees a flash of movement crossing the multiple mirrors on the wall. The town has experienced a rash of petty burglaries recently, and Hazel wonders if a thief is prowling outside. She discovers a boat trying to dock on her property. The two occupants are filming her home. She angrily confronts them with her Private Property sign and learns that they host a true crime YouTube channel called Water Hunters. Siblings Miles and Amber are interested in the two submerged vehicles in the lake. Amber says, “The police aren’t gonna go searching for a problem. They’ll pick it up after you find it for them. That’s it” (171). Her words spark Hazel’s secret fears that the local police, including her father, are more interested in covering up crimes than solving them.

After the Water Hunters leave, Hazel drives to Reflection Point to have lunch. While there, she encounters a retired detective named Pete, who seems pleased to see her, unlike everybody else in town. Pete knows all the local gossip. He is aware that Sonny drinks and does drugs and that one of the Holt boys is having an affair with a waitress named Felicity. At that moment, Al and Serena arrive for lunch. Al shows Pete the photo of a missing teen named Max Falkner, who has been gone for two days. After finishing her lunch, Hazel drives to Caden’s house to return Skyler’s backpack, hoping to find someone home. Nobody is there, so Hazel searches the backpack for a spare key.

Inside it, she finds an old photo of Caden and Gage with their mother that Jamie must have stumbled across while cleaning out the house on Sunday. Hazel pockets the photo, intending to put it back in the album at her own house when Caden and Skyler arrive. Caden is still angry and now suggests that Hazel must have said something to Jamie to make her want to leave. Before they get into a fight, Hazel drives back to her own house. There, she takes a good look at the photo. Audrey Holt and her boys are posed beside the first car that was dragged out of Mirror Lake.

Part 2, Chapter 17 Summary

Hazel is shaken by this discovery because it implicates her father in the disappearance of both his wives: “If there was a pattern, it was this: the cars of Perry Holt’s two wives had both ended up in Mirror Lake, and one way or another, both of them were gone” (185). Hazel is now convinced that Jamie recognized Audrey’s car in the photo, too, and this might have spooked her. Hazel tries to see Sonny again to press her for more information about her missing daughter. At Sonny’s house, Hazel finds nobody home. She then goes to Mirror Lake Motel, where Sonny works, but the clerk says the maid hasn’t been in that day.

At home that evening, Nico arrives with carry-out chicken. Hazel shows him the old photo and explains her theory about the reason for Jamie’s disappearance. Gage calls to invite Hazel to a family dinner the following night to make peace, and she accepts. Later that night, Hazel takes a bag of trash to the garbage bin and is surprised to see a collection of smoke alarm batteries inside. She concludes that someone got into the house and removed all the batteries the night she slept with Nico.

Part 2, Chapter 18 Summary

Alarmed, Hazel calls Gage to tell him about the break-in. He reassures her that the rash of burglaries was probably just high school pranksters because nothing valuable is ever taken. Hazel decides to check Perry’s landline for any incoming calls. She is shocked to find a message from Jamie two days earlier, asking Hazel to meet her at their private spot on the lake. This is an overlook called The Barrel. When Hazel arrives, Jamie isn’t there, but Hazel finds an instant camera lying on the ground, which she takes. A policeman shows up on the scene and seems suspicious that Hazel is lurking there after dark: “‘It’s not a safe place,’ he said. ‘You shouldn’t be out here alone.’ Which sounded suddenly like both a warning and a threat” (201).

Part 2, Chapter 19 Summary

The following morning, Hazel drives back to Sonny’s house to see if she knows Jamie’s whereabouts. Hazel finds Sonny dead, apparently from a fentanyl overdose. She was known to use drugs, and her death may have been accidental, but Hazel is shaken by the experience. She thinks, “All these mothers in Mirror Lake, never making it out of town. Hadn’t Sonny warned me of that, just a couple days ago?” (206).

Part 2 Analysis

The second segment of the novel is entitled “Mother.” While this term primarily refers to Libby Sharp, it can also apply to Audrey Holt, Jamie Holt, and Sonny Varino. All four are mothers, and all four are either dead or missing. Hazel’s emotional distress increases as she flashes back to her mother’s unexplained disappearance and then finds this absence mirrored in those of other women connected to the Holt men. Sonny functions as a choric figure to point out these parallels to Hazel. The older woman has lived in Mirror Lake all her life and has silently observed and judged its people. She concludes that women who want to leave a Holt man are prevented from going, one way or another. The end of this segment proves her correct when she is also stopped dead in her tracks by Roy Holt. Although Hazel isn’t privy to this fact until the end of the novel, Sonny’s death and the absence of three other women ratchets up her paranoia about the men in her family.

The fact that all of them are connected to the police department foregrounds The Importance of Uncovering Concealed Truth. Both Sonny and the Water Hunters make cynical observations about the lack of initiative shown by the police in ferreting out the truth when their own reputations are on the line. Sonny comments on Perry’s two wives by saying, “It doesn’t look good, does it? To lose two wives? Not good for your image at all” (139). Her statement implies that Perry might have been more concerned about his reputation among the citizenry than the loss of his spouses. Later, the Water Hunters tell Hazel, “The police aren’t gonna go searching for a problem. They’ll pick it up after you find it for them. That’s it” (171). This lack of commitment to finding the truth is also echoed in the responses of Gage and Caden to Hazel’s concerns. When Hazel calls her older brother to report that a prowler has gotten into her house, Gage brushes her off and says he must attend to the case of a missing teen. Even though Caden’s own wife is missing, he also dismisses Hazel’s worries about Jamie, stating that his wife will come home when she’s ready.

Hazel receives an equally stony response from Al and Serena Flores when they investigate the second submerged car. Even though Hazel raises valid questions about the empty luggage in the trunk, Serena only makes a perfunctory attempt to contact Joe Lyons to establish whether Libby was running from him. The police culture of Mirror Lake is omnipresent since everyone in town seems connected to law enforcement in some capacity. Even the town’s most popular restaurant is frequented by cops. This police culture suggests that everyone has a stake in preserving the image of a quiet, law-abiding town. Everybody’s reputation is on the line when it comes to keeping the peace. Nobody wants to stir up trouble even after trouble surfaces in the form of two submerged cars. Further, when Hazel goes to the Barrel to find the missing Jamie, she is sent away by a patrolman who clearly doesn’t want her snooping around.

With the police committed to preserving a good image, it’s up to Hazel to pursue inconvenient truths. Hazel identifies with Skyler after Jamie’s disappearance and feels motivated to prevent another family disaster from occurring. As in the preceding section, the motif of empty houses underscores the theme of Impacts of Childhood Abandonment. When Hazel goes to Caden’s house to return Skyler’s backpack, she is once again confronted with an empty home. Her own home is repeatedly invaded by someone unknown. Hazel becomes anxious and hypervigilant as she imagines hearing sounds upstairs or seeing flashes of movement outside. The most unnerving empty house she enters in this segment is Sonny’s. The older woman appears to be asleep but is really dead. Hazel is left to process yet another example of abandonment in an empty house.